Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Wallpaper

Over the weekend, when I was alone and reading a Tamizh book ("Sollathathum Unmai" - Prakash Raj) an important thought flashed through my mind. Living alone is both a boon and curse. I placed boon first, because loneliness allows you to live in your past and future :).

Click here for bigger size (1024 X 768 px)!

Makes you live in your PAST through your cherished memories!
Makes you live in your FUTURE through your goals!
Alas! denies you to live your life in PRESENT!

Wallpaper Design by Vlad Gerasimov


Miss Iyer said...

~Loneliness lets you live your past and your future~

Wow.. how profound! But seriously, I hope that isn't driving you into becoming a saint, good 'ol Mowgli!?! 'Cos then that would be soooo unlike you! :)

Utopianb said...

Oh no G3! I would never become a saint :) It was one of those times when this thought just flashed! I am just hoping that this kinda thoughts won't recur!

Meanwhile, I am moving outta MW by end of this month. I am joining a company called CAE (Candian Aviation Electronics Ltd.,) as a Sr. Multimedia Developer:)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!